Intersteno’nun en eski üyelerinden biri olan; Intersteno-İtalya Grubundan Flaviano Rodriguez’in 90. Yaş günü sebebiyle, 1 Aralık 2007 tarihinde İtalya’nın Firenze kentinde tüm Intersteno Konsey ve Merkez Komitesi üyeleri ile bir araya gelen İntersteno-Türk Başkanı ve Intersteno Onursal Başkanı İhsan Yener, Intersteno ve Sayın Rodriguez ile ilgili anlamlı bir konuşma yaptı.
Konuşmasının ardından günün anlamı ile ilgili bir müzik kaydı da dinleten İhsan Yener’in, tüm konuşma metnini (ingilizce) ve aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
“Dear brothers and sisters of my Intersteno Family, And Dear Colleagues,
Would all of you please be kind enough accepting my feelings that we really are the members of a family, which is Intersteno; at least I am feeling this, since 1957.
It was 50 years ago, just before the Congress in Milan, a polite gentleman, who was Mr. Flaviano Rodriguez, had kindly greeted me at the Congress hall, gently conveyed me accompanying to the desk of Mr. Marcel Racine, and introduced me to him, saying 3 French words “Cette un Turc”.
These 3 words were so gentle, expressing willingly acceptation me, into a warm weather of a family. I have deeply felt so. Then a couple of days later, at the Central Committee meeting, my group had officially been accepted into Family as 11th member country of the Federation.
To meet there with the valuable persons; like André Morard, Guiseppe Aliprandi, Angelo Quitadamo, were so honorary pleasure for me. This was the beginning to meet almost each year, to work together, during a week in a sincerely warm vocational weather of the Central Committee.
In 1987, my first SOCIO ONORARIO diploma of “Accademia Italiana Di Stenografia E Dattilografia Giuseppe Aliprandi” has been given me by Mr. Flaviano Rodriguez, in Firenze, here, in this historical beautiful city.
Let us come todays of 2007.
We are so happy that we, as the members of the Intersteno Family, are here coming from different countries to congratulate our dear colleague Flaviano’s 90th year, whose life is full of vocational successes.
His professional works with his team of colleagues were successfully adapted the history into todays, then from today into the future.
From Tironien (because of Ciceron) Pen Shorthand of 2000 years, to Machine Steno, then into computerized Stenografia. Did not stopped in this level, we see that our Italian colleagues are going further with Computer Aided Transcription and Real Time into Speech Recognition Applications.
Parallel of these improvements of Stenografia; the Daktilografia also has come from Mechanical typewriters to Electrical ones, then into Electronics, then Computers also, then started Internet.
We are so happy for these improvements of our Italian colleagues, especially as Turkish group of Intersteno Family, that I would like to express our thanks here with our best feelings to Gian Paolo Trivulzio, who was a student of Flaviano; and organizing Internet Competitions each year with the Java Software of his cousin Marco Olivo. Our competitors also so much thankful to them because of their organization proves and creates justice.
Now, after these remembrance, I want to say something for our oldest Friend Flaviano, with a music, begging from all of you to listen it please, quietly with a silent understanding. Thank you.”
İhsan YENER, İntersteno-Türk, 01.12.2007